Couple buying home

Sustainable Home Ownership

American Pledge supports homeownership through community engagement, digital education, and a unique safety-net fund that protects against unexpected financial hardship.
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Uncertain if you can afford a home?
Our hardship fund adds an extra layer of protection against the unexpected.

What’s stopping you from owning your first home? For many Americans it’s uncertainty from a lack of financial security.

Our program provides 5% of the mortgage loan value in a pledged escrow available to the homeowner for the first 3 years of the loan. For an unexpected hardship such as job loss, we step in to pay the mortgage.  There is no cost to the homeowner.  They are not required to pay back borrowed funds until the home is sold or refinanced. 


underserved mortgage applications are rejected each year, because they lacked additional cash for down payment or closing costs.


of Americans lack enough money to cover a $400 emergency expense


homeownership gap exists between Black & Hispanic vs. White Homeowners
American Pledge for

Home Buyers

We create a layer of protection against the uncertain through our pledged hardship fund. If a homeowner experiences a qualifying hardship, we step in to pay their mortgage. The program has no cost to the homeowner.
Home Buyers young
Real estate investors and partners
American Pledge for


Our safety-net program improves an applicant’s DTI, lowers or eliminates their need for private mortgage insurance, and lowers the risk of potential default. The program meets FHA lending standards, can be packaged with any mortgage loan, and expands lending.
American Pledge for


Large employers may sponsor the program to attract and retain valuable employees. Philanthropic partners can sponsor the program to improve communities through homeownership.
Invest in America
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Making Homeownership Attainable & Sustainable

American Pledge is a financial technology platform that builds a safety net for underserved families. Making homeownership attainable and sustainable, while reducing risk and expanding access for lenders.